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If you’re here, you are likely on a quest to find investment analysis tools to help you analyse companies and decide if you want to invest in their stocks. Maybe you’ve already looked at some other tools and are performing due diligence, maybe this is the first tool you are looking at. Look no further! The CNM Investing Analysis Templates are all you will need to start successfully with your investment analysis.

Why choose CNM Investing Analysis Templates for Stock Analysis

When searching for investment analysis tools, I faces several recurring issues, which is why I decided to make my own stock analysis tools.

Let’s look at what the issues were and how CNM Investing solves them for you?

Solutions offered by CNM Investing

1. Transparent and understandable Valuations and Forecasting

Many tools offer unclear calculations, making it hard to trust their results. Inspired by Warren Buffett’s principle of only investing in what you understand, my Excel-based stock analysis templates ensures 100% transparency in all calculations. This allows you to follow each formula and trust the results.

2. Straightforward interface and complete control

Overly complicated tools with excessive features can overwhelm users, causing them to lose focus on core investment analysis. CNM Investing Tools offer a straightforward, easy-to-use Excel template that ensures you maintain control over your analysis, focusing on the essential aspects of stock analysis and forecasting.

At the heart of investment analysis and forecasting, you only need two things:

1. A place to find and retrieve data from. I am working on facilitating the importation of financial data into the tools

2. Some tools to process the data you retrieved, which the CNM Investing Tools do for you.

3. Dynamic tools adaptable to financial analysis of unique companies

Each company is unique, requiring adaptable analysis tools. Excel’s flexibility allows you to tailor the analysis to each company’s specifics. CNM Investing provides customizable templates for thorough and precise analysis, enabling detailed stock forecasting and fundamental analysis.

The CNM Investing Advantage

The combination of transparent, user-friendly, and adaptable tools, along with educational resources, makes CNM Investing the ideal choice for stock analysis.

One final advantage of CNM Investing is the personal touch. I am committed to interacting one-on-one with my users, providing them with VIP treatment. This ensures that each user receives personalized guidance and support tailored to their specific needs, making the investment analysis process even more effective and user-friendly.

What Investment Professionals think

Investment professionals understand the value of using Excel for financial analysis. Articles from FirmRoom, Solevant, Wall Street Oasis, and noble desktop highlight the relevance of Excel for financial analysts, reinforcing the importance of the CNM Investing approach.

stock forecasting tool
Investment analysis tools free

The CNM Investing Analysis Templates…

… provide you with everything you need to understand and analyse a company’s past, present and future. They are an elegant blend of historical company analysis and stock forecasting tools.

Questions and Answers

How do I get access to the CNM Investing Analysis Templates?

Contact me directly via a contact form and I will be in touch for how to proceed.

Can I contact you for questions or discussions?

Absolutely! One of the many advantages of using the CNM Investing Tools is that you get to contact me whenever for 1 on 1 discussions, questions or more. I am available for my users and will give you personalized advice, tips and more.

What is the blog page for?

The blog page is for updates about the CNM Investing tools, announcements and also just for me to indulge my interests or discoveries. Since I am passionate about mathematics and investing, I will occasionally make a post about financial mathematics when I see or learn something worth sharing.

CNM Investing does not claim to guarantee successful or improved investment performance. The tools and information provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial advice. Users should perform their own due diligence and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. CNM Investing is not responsible for any financial losses incurred when using its tools or any other content on the website. Use of the site and its tools is at the user’s own risk.

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